ChatGPT for recruitment: Is it worth using?

The main function of the chatbot is to mimic a human conversationalist, giving detailed responses and intelligible answers across a wide range of knowledge. To simplify things, the tool can generate human-like text.
What’s unique about the system, is that, unlike other chatbots, it remembers previous prompts given to it earlier on in the conversation. This makes it an incredibly useful tool in the recruitment process. Although there are a few cons to consider as well.
Three Pros of Using ChatGPT for Recruitment
1) Automated Recruitment ProcessesChatGPT simplifies HR admin tasks, making recruiters' lives much easier. For example, it can write detailed job descriptions, accurately reflecting the required skills and articulating the job role and responsibilities to a high standard.
This saves a lot of vital time for recruiters. In addition, it can also create interview questions, write email templates and even CV summaries.
2) Enhance Candidate's Experience
Another benefit of ChatGPT is that the tool can generate professional and human-like autoresponder messages to candidates who reach out during the application process.
When a recruiter is dealing with a large number of candidates, for multiple job roles, replying to all of these messages can feel overwhelming. ChatGPT can take this weight off your shoulders. These automated emails can be customised in tone, and come across as humanistic. Therefore, improving the candidate's overall experience during the application process.
3) Increased Efficiency
With recruitment processes taking anywhere from a few days to a few months, it can be a time-consuming task for recruiters. However, with the assistance of ChatGPT to create engaging content, this process can easily be sped up. ChatGPT creates high-quality copy templates which eliminate many manual HR writing tasks, increasing the efficiency of the entire process for recruiters.
Three Cons of Using ChatGPT for Recruitment
1) Lack of Human Interaction
The ethical means of this tool needs to be considered, as candidates will believe to be interacting with a real person when in fact, it is just a robot. These chatbots can sometimes give responses which might sound plausible in coding but actually make no sense.
Overuse of a tool like ChatGPT where human interaction is appropriate might cause annoyance, and could dwindle a candidate's experience.
2) Can be Expensive
The tool requires significant resources and is offered in a range of languages and sizes. The cost reflects its features, by choosing a superior design it will cost you more. Currently, the tool needs a costly bespoke integration to enhance the candidate's experience.
Although the tool is currently in its research phase during OpenAI’s feedback period, it is free to use. However, this makes it less reliable as the research phase has knot yet been completed.
3) Choosing Technology over Humans
A huge con of using this tool is the degradation of humanity. Over-reliance on chatbots can have a negative impact on jobs, by replacing humans with robots. This puts a threat to creative workers because the chatbot can do tasks in which they are skilled, such as solving maths, writing articles and coding.
Final thoughts: Is it worth using?
There’s no denying that ChatGPT is an impressive tool which has the capability of completing administrative tasks which benefit the recruitment process.
Despite this, still being in the research phase means that the tool is not entirely trustworthy to complete tasks to a human standard, which means it cannot replace humans just yet. Nevertheless, the tool can help with efficiency, and at least assist with basic administrative tasks that aren't too reliant on human interaction.